Monday, 24 September 2007

Who's hot in wireless automation?

Just back from Boston, USA, where AlertMe participated in the first ever Ember Customer Forum. The event focused on who was using ZigBee and how they might work together to offer world class solutions in wireless automation.

AlertMe showed off a new Corporate Video, to the great amusement of the audience, and will soon post it live on our website - check back soon and look for the dude in the cowboy hat!

Some of the best consumer oriented companies there included Control 4, Colorado vNet, and the Radio Thermostat Company of America. There were also some great commercial solutions from Indesign, LS Research, Saflok, Sensorswitch, Twisthink, and Trane.

Whether you want to control your lights, entertainment, heating and airconditioning, or monitor your energy consumption, ZigBee seems to be an essential ingredient.

Monday, 3 September 2007

BarCamb 2007

A week ago, I was at BarCamb, the first BarCamp to be held in Cambridge! It was a good event, with a really interesting bunch of people from the local science and technology community talking about aspects of their work (and other interests). I spoke about AlertMe, describing our platform and some of the home awareness and other applications and services it enables. Everyone was really interested and had plenty of good ideas for future features (I wrote them all down!). Several of the people who blogged the event mentioned us, including Jim Downing, Michael Dales from Ndiyo, Rob Hulme and Ian Mulvany from Nature, who even links to a picture of our wonderfully tiny ZigBee tile!

Many thanks to Matt Wood, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, for organising everything; and hopefully I'll see you all at the next BarCamb!